Changelog for StarShapes:
Version/changes |
Version: 1.02
released: 2009-04-21
- Fixed drawing of the grid in the symbol editor panel.
- Preserving the last subshape used while editing a symbol.
- Preserving the layout of expanded nodes in the primitive property grid.
- Fixed tab name in the polyline editor window.
- Fixed bug with editing arc primitives.
Version: 1.01
released: 2009-03-30
- Displaying cursor coordinates while editing symbols.
- Fixed bounds for minimum/maximum zoom for editing symbols.
- Fixed bug which may have caused problems with editing attributes of primitives with the property grid.
- Fixed bug which may have caused exception while decreasing the height of the main window.
- Fixed bug which disallowed changing the size of the main window with the grip in the bottom-right corner of the window.